January 19, 2014 (San Diego) --U.S. Forest Service officials announced on January 17th the release of the Draft Records of Decision for a Proposed Amendment to the Land Management Plans for the four Southern California national forests (the Angeles, Cleveland, Los Padres, and San Bernardino).
The publication of a legal notice in each national forest’s newspaper of record begins the 60-day objection period.
Objections will be accepted from individuals or entities who submitted substantive formal comments related to the plan amendment during previous opportunities for public comment. Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted comments unless new information arose after the designated comment period concluded.
The objection process gives an individual or entity an opportunity for an independent Forest Service review and resolution of issues before the approval of the plan amendment. Objections must be filed within 60 days following the publication of the legal notice. Objections received prior to the legal notice publication will not be accepted, acknowledged, or reviewed.
For more information on the objection process, please visit the Forest Service National Objection webpage and select the link to the planning objections rules at 36 CFR 219:
The Draft RODs and Final SEIS can be found on the project webpage at:
This Proposed Amendment to the Land Management Plan is part of the Settlement Agreement approved January 3, 2011, in the case of California Resources Agency, et al vs. United States Department of Agriculture, and Center for Biological Diversity, et al vs. United States Department of Agriculture.
For additional information, contact Project Manager Bob Hawkins at socal_nf_lmp_amendment@fs.fed.us.